Archived news
Our news items and media releases which are more than a year old can be found below.

30 November 2023
Crown Estate Scotland regularly seeks feedback from tenants on what we are doing well and…
29 November 2023
The Offshore Wind and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Colocation Forum ("the Forum”),…

28 November 2023
Crown Estate Scotland has today confirmed that as part of the Innovation and Targeted Oil…

28 September 2023
Crown Estate Scotland and The Crown Estate have today announced a new…

15 September 2023
A major project to conserve two historic farm buildings was celebrated as His Majesty The…

05 September 2023
New and existing offshore wind farms could help generate large amounts of green hydrogen…

21 August 2023
A £425,000 fund designed to support projects and ideas to benefit the environment and…

09 August 2023
An in-depth survey of developers working in the tidal and wave energy sectors is to be…

13 July 2023
The latest stage in the ScotWind Leasing process has been reached. The 17 initial…